
In placement you can specify on what positions ampz will be displayed. There are 3 distinct positions:

  1. Inline: a horizontal bar of top and/or bottom of content

  2. Sidebar: vertical floating bar left or right of the website

  3. Fly In: floating panel flying in from the bottom of the page

Enable Positions

To enable a position, just click the corresponding red button (with label DISABLED). The button will change into a green button labeled ENABLED. Also, an additional button will appear with a convenient link to change the settings for that position.

Display in Components

Before going into all position's specific settings, first let's specify in which components ampz should be displayed. The screenshot below contains the DISPLAY IN COMPONENTS panel. By clicking the field right of Display in, all installed components in your website are displayed. Just select the components that you would like to display the social buttons on (e.g. Articles for Native Joomla articles). Do not forget to save the plugin's settings.

Under the component selection there is an option to exclude the plugin from being displayed in Category view (e.g. blog view in articles or K2).

Exclude Options

If you would like to exclude Joomla (or K2 or ZOO if they are installed) Categories and/or Articles you can select the by using the fields displayed below:

Just click the field ("Select some options") and select the Categories or Articles you don't want the buttons to be displayed.

Inline Settings

If you have enabled the INLINE position you can see the panel below. This will allow you to set up the inline position to fit your needs.

The following fields are available:

  • Display on: choose top of article, bottom of article or both.

  • Display above title: do you want to display the horizontal bar above the article title?

  • Button Width: Auto sizes the buttons along the available width, original width keeps them small.

  • Entrance animation: select an animation for the container when appearing (none is also an option).

  • Button Hover Effect: if a visitor hovers over the buttons, what effect should be used?

  • Combine after: By default, if more than 4 buttons are enabled the rest will be combined in 1 button using a popup to access those buttons. You can change this number here if needed.

  • Maximum container width: By default the inline position uses the space available in the container. If you want to restrict this width, you can define it here. 0 (zero) means no maximum width.

  • Show Network Labels: Show (text) labels of the social networks on the buttons (like Facebook and Twitter) or not.

  • Show Share Counts: Display the number of shares on the buttons or hide them.

  • Show Total Shares: If enabled, the total number of shares for that page are displayed as well.

  • Text Color Total Shares: If total shares are enabled, what color should the text have?

  • Show on Frontpage: Do you want the inline horizontal bar to be displayed on the frontpage or not?

  • Display in (override): By default ampz uses the publishing assignments defined in "Display in Components" for all enabled positions (inline, sidebar, etc), see above. This setting allows for more flexibility for this specific position. If for example you want the sidebar position only be used in K2 articles and the other positions in other components you can select K2 here.

If the SIDEBAR position is enabled, the panel displayed below is visible.

It contains the following options to specify:

  • Position on screen: choose the position on the screen, left or right

  • Margin between buttons: enable this if you want the buttons to have a little margin between them

  • Entrance animation: select an animation for the container when appearing (none is also an option).

  • Visible when: for extra attention the sidebar can be displayed when the inline position is not (or no longer) visible in the visitor's viewport. You can also choose to always show the sidebar.

  • Button Hover Effect: if a visitor hovers over the buttons, what effect should be used?

  • Combine after: By default, if more than 4 buttons are enabled the rest will be combined in 1 button using a popup to access those buttons. You can change this number here if needed.

  • Show Network Labels: Show (text) labels of the social networks on the buttons (like Facebook and Twitter) or not.

  • Show Share Counts: Display the number of shares on the buttons or hide them.

  • Show Total Shares: If enabled, the total number of shares for that page are displayed as well.

  • Text Color Total Shares: If total shares are enabled, what color should the text have?

  • Show on Frontpage: Do you want to display the sidebar on the frontpage or not?

  • Display in (override): By default ampz uses the publishing assignments defined in "Display in Components" for all enabled positions (inline, sidebar, etc), see above. This setting allows for more flexibility for this specific position. If for example you want the inline position only be used in K2 articles and the other positions in other components you can select K2 here.

Fly In Settings

The Fly In position can be used to display Share (like the inline and sidebar position) or Follow buttons. Follow buttons can be used to increase the number of likes and followers for your social pages.

If the FLY IN position is enabled, you can tweak it in the panel displayed below.

It contains the following options to specify:

  • Follow or Share buttons: Select how you want to use the Fly In position: Follow buttons or Share buttons (like the inline and sidebar position). The urls for the follow buttons can be defined in the Networks section of this manual.

  • Title: the title (heading) of the fly in panel.

  • Text below title: enter the text to be displayed above the social buttons in the fly in panel

  • Position on screen: choose the position on the screen, left or right

  • Entrance animation: a text you can specify to be displayed between the title and social buttons.

  • Entrance animation: select an animation for the container when appearing.

  • Button Hover Effect: if a visitor hovers over the buttons, what effect should be used?

  • Show Share Counts: Display the number of shares on the buttons or hide them.

  • Show on Frontpage: Do you want the fly in panel to be displayed on the frontpage or not?

  • Display in (override): By default ampz uses the publishing assignments defined in "Display in Components" for all enabled positions (inline, sidebar, etc), see above. This setting allows for more flexibility for this specific position. If for example you want the FlyIn position only be used in K2 articles and the other positions in other components you can select K2 here.

And for triggering the fly in there are extra settings, described below. You can enable multiple triggers for the fly in panel, however it will be fired when the first trigger occurs.

  • Show on Page Bottom: Do you want the fly in panel to be displayed when the visitor reaches the bottom of the page?

  • Show after seconds: Do you want the fly in panel to be displayed after a certain time delay?

  • Display after seconds: If you have enabled the settings above (time delay), please specify the time in seconds here.

  • After close stay hidden for: this setting places a cookie in the visitor's browser. After a visitor has closed the fly in box, how long should the fly in panel stay closed?

  • Cookie duration: only applicable if the setting above is seconds, minutes, hours or days.

Last updated