
In order to use the social buttons of ampz on mobile devices, you can either use the same settings that you already have specified in previous sections (usually for websites that are not responsive). Another option is to use the Mobile Mode.

By using Mobile Mode, a set number of buttons will be displayed in a fixed position (bottom) if the visitor's screen is smaller than a certain width. The following options are available configuring Mobile Mode:

  • Enable Mobile Mode: Enable Mobile Mode or use the same settings on mobile and desktop devices.

  • Combine after: By default, if more than 4 buttons are enabled the rest will be combined in 1 button using a popup to access those buttons. You can change this number here if needed.

  • Remove button margin: enabling this option will remove the default margin between the buttons.

  • Switch to mobile if below: Enter an amount of pixels. If a visitor uses a device that has a screen width less then this amount, Mobile Mode will be enabled.

  • Entrance animation: select an animation for the container when appearing (none is also an option).

  • Show on frontpage: show the mobile mode on the frontpage or not

  • Visible when: do you want the mobile buttons to be visible at all times or (for attracting more attention to your website visitors) let it appear when the inline position is not visible (if this position is enable of course)

  • Show Share Counts: Display the number of shares on the buttons or hide them.

  • Show Total Shares: If enabled, the total number of shares for that page are displayed as well.

  • Text Color Total Shares: If total shares are enabled, what color should the text have?

Last updated